M5201 won't boot

NickYates Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives
I have an Aspire M5201, which on returning from holiday, won't boot at all. The case fans run, but no POST, beeps or blue disc LED. Has happened intermittently before, but resolved after unplugging and holding on button for 30 secs. No success this time after many attempts. Is this a power supply problem and can anyone suggest an alternate PSU which fits, if it is?


  • laurent_14



    Do you have access to the bios setup utility [F2]?

  • Spartan1
    Spartan1 Member Posts: 36



    From your brief description it sounds very much like the PSU is not working correctly.  This can sometimes happen to older PSUs after a period of non-use, due to the electronic components within ageing and changing their values.


    Difficult to specifically say it's the PSU without a proper PSU tester, i.e. one that puts a load on all output voltage rails.  However, you might be able to determine if your PSU is toast by carefully checking the voltage lines whilst it's powered on and connected to the motherboard and peripherals.


    From images I've seen of the M5201 it looks like it will take an off-the-shelf PSU, like one of these (just an example):-




    However, check the label on your PSU to determine to Wattage rating.  Buy a replacement with a similar or higher Wattage rating.