Aspire x3-710 desktop

Podmonger Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

I have an Aspire X3-710 desktop with a Kingston m.2 2280 SSD running Windows 10 1607 build cloned to it from the original 1TB hdd (now disconnected).  Neither I, nor six MS techies remotely working on the pc from Seattle or somewhere, could get the Creators update to work.  Finally, MS referred me to Acer ... which is why I am here!  MS tried every kind of install, including a USB drive, and, to give them credit they spent about six hours on it.  Anyone else had this problem?  I plan to remove the SSD and reconnect the 1TB hdd and see if that will update.  Oddly, the Anniversary build that I'm running from the SSD works beautifully and is very fast - just don't know how long I could use it safely without being able to update.

Any ideas most welcome