AcerAspire broken On/Off Switch

abrogard Member Posts: 16


It has an Acer 945G-M6 board.


It won't switch off and it won't switch on.


I mean the power goes constantly to the external hard drive via the usb port, I can see the light on there.


The power goes continually to the case fan and cpu fan - the cpu fan runs a while then stops, then runs again, then stops, and keeps doing that.  The case fan keeps trying to run, the stops, then tries, then stops.  I guess it needs more power than the cpu fan.


 And I can't get it to stop doing that.


Hence it won't switch off.



But the fans never continue to run, the screen never lights up, the boot process never starts.  So it won't switch on, properly, either.


I have a PSU tester and it tests the PSU as alright.


Looks like I need to replace the on/off switch I think.  Would you agree?


What ways have I got of doing that?  I mean one way would be get an original switch from Acer I suppose.  But can I put some other switch in there?  I suppose I can, but how, which wire is which?  And lastly can I do without the switch and just join some wires together?


p.s.  This is sudden.  It was fine yesterday