Acer Aspire X3-710 upgrade question - power usage (psu) concerns before I buy graphics card

jakobjoergensen Member Posts: 10 New User

Hi all


Back 2 Windows after an 8 year affaire with macOS.


Got this superb Acer Aspire X3 710 (SNID ***********) and would like to boost the machine a bit graphically. I'd like to play some city building games.


Now, I understand these graphics cards has to be PCI Express.


I also understand these cards consumes quite a lot of power. So my question is. With the system I have, what would be the maximum power-consuming graphics card I could go for?


It's quite difficult to find documentation about the system online (have actually found none).


How much power does the entire computer max use? How much power is left for a new graphics card?


If any one have come advice on what card to purchase, feel free to express Smiley Happy


Hope anyone can help me.


All the best,




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Best Answer


  • Hi Jake,


    All original processors have power of 65W. The best graphic board listed is a GTX745 - 4Gb - DDR3 - LP (Low Profil) with a PSU of 220W.

  • jakobjoergensen
    jakobjoergensen Member Posts: 10 New User

    Hi Laurent


    Thanks for reply. Looks interesting the card. When I look at it on specs page of GeForce GTX 745 it says minimum PSU required 300. If I bought the the card, would I hve to by a new PSU too?

    With the PSU being 220W.


    Again, thanks for reply.


    All the best,





  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jake,


    If I bought the card, would I have to buy a new PSU too?

    No, for example here is a Belgian model equipped with this card.

  • jakobjoergensen
    jakobjoergensen Member Posts: 10 New User

    Hi Laurent


    Thanks for positive reply Smiley Happy

    Its a go Smiley Happy


    All the best,

