why does my Recovery disk Package,I bought from Acer is not working ??

hans0919 Member Posts: 27


My Name is Hans, I would like to inform you about my

Experience’s with Acer. Two Years ago I bought me an Acer Black AZS600

All-in-One Desktop PC with Intel Pentium G645 Processor,6GB Memory,

23” Monitor,500GB Hard Drive and Windows 8 Operating System, for

$698.00 via Walmart Online Purchase, I also bought me a  Three Year
“Care Plan” from Walmart for $89.00 .

When I setup my new All-in-One back in Feb.2014, plugged in and press

the power button, A Pop-up window came up that said you have a “Virus”

on your machine, at the same time a Pop-up window appeared that said

we can “Help” you, it was from a third company that do the Acer Support,

he said he is a Certified Microsoft Engineer, but I must pay $149.00 before

he could remove the “Virus”. So I did pay and he removed the “so called”

“Virus”, my All-in-One worked now for two years. That person calls me

almost every two weeks, I do not know what he wants from me??

My All-in-one worked for two years, a couple of weeks ago it did not started

no more, I called Walmart, because my “Care Plan”, they told me that I have

to contact Acer and ask for a “Recovery Disk” , I did not made one when I first

started them, so I called explained it, they send me a Recovery Package, One

System Disk, Three Recovery Disks and One Language Disk, and they send me

also the Instructions how to proceed. I did exactly what the Instructions say,

several times, it does not work, when I reboot a light  green page pops up, that

says on top , Acer Recovery Management (V9.0.14), and there are two links

that say’s and let you select,  1) Restore Operating System for Factory Defaults,
2) Completely Restore Computer To Factory Defaults, 3)  EXIT , but only the
EXIT link is hot and works. I went to the Acer Website and start chat with the

“Third Party” Support Service “Sutherland Global Services”, explained again

everything for an hour, that Engineer with an Indian accent told me that my

manufacturing warranty is expired and I need to renew by paying $149.00,

then the engineers can fix my Problem…. Are they insane ???

I paid seven hundred for the All-in-One, paid $89.00 for care Plan from Walmart,

Paid $149.00 for removing I Virus, and now he wants me to pay another $149.00

to fix my Problem with the All-in-One.

Do you think I should file a Complaint with the “Consumer Protection Agency”

about “Sutherland Global Services’ ,Acer and Walmart ?? please can you tell all

of your Forum members or/and costumers does practices !  please let me know,


Thank you,






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