Memory Specifications for Z3731-UR21P?

ZundapMan Member Posts: 87 Die Hard WiFi Icon

I'm getting fed up with Acer Support.  I purchased this unit in 2010 and have held it together with bailing wire and spit ever since.  I finally broke down and ordered RAM to upgrade it to 8gb using the two open slots.  I was always concerned about disassembly of the case due to the fragile nature of the plastic fastener technoology used.  I've had it apart now more than I am willing to admit.  I have still been unable to get it to work with any chips but the ones that came with it.  Kensington sells an 8gb package of RAM now that are probably newer technology than the originals, but without the deatails on the specifications for the orginal chips I'm dead in the water.  I hate having to keep opening the case.  Once when I did that, I lost the original hard drive to a wear induced failure simply from shaking the case in the process of opening it.  Will someone please look at my warranty registration info that was posted on line back when I bought this device and dig up the manufacturing records and let me know what I need to do to force the beast to accept 8 gb of RAM?  I have purchased and received and not been able to use two different orders of 4gb chips the vendor web sites insisted were "compatible" with this unit.  No one has posted any advice that helps with the questions about the possible need to "reset" the BIOS to a particular configuation prior to memory upgrade to inssure that the new RAM timing data is correctly and completely handled by the firmware.  Any new suggestions will be welcomed, but I am not opeing the case again until I have a work plan that makes sense.  I've been doing this kind of work professionally since 1960 when I started programming IBM 1620's and the old Statistical 101 accounting machine that used plug boards and wire to store data in accumulators and registers.  In the 1970's I built and maiantained CPM/2.2 systems which I upgraded myself to CPM/4.0 by re-writing the timing loops in the BIOS so I could use faster memory.  I like this old machine, I'm used to it, and it is used to me, but... I'm not contemplating upgrading the Windows 7 x64 software on it without more RAM. 


Why won't Acer do anything for owners of off warranty devices?  Frankly I'm about to decide to never purchase another one (I have 4) if they don't get their act together.


  • Hello,


    Your AIO had 4Gb of memory in the original configuration. It supports up to 8Gb (4x2Gb).

    Why don't you buy the same original memory modules?




    I'm not an Acer employee. I'm only a volunteer.

  • ZundapMan
    ZundapMan Member Posts: 87 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    Apparently not supplied anywhere I've searched.  Acer did not even list this model on their website until I complained that it was not in their "drop down" list.  Since most suppliers got the before the correction, or the correction was never posted to the lists they use, searches for Z3731-UR21P compatible memory fail withn supplier sites.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    First do you have the brand and the part number of the original memory modules?

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    I found some compatible memory modules for your AIO:



    2GB128Mx8TS256MLK64V3U2GB DDR3 1333 DIMM 9-9-9
  • ZundapMan
    ZundapMan Member Posts: 87 Die Hard WiFi Icon

    I wonder... 2 4gb 240-pin RAM chips cost less than 2 2gb chips these days... Is the memory bus on this old machine capapble of supporing that configuration?  A 4gb bank in the primary slot of each of the two banks?

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    No, only 4 memory modules of 2Gb. Each slot supports up to 2Gb max.
