
Actual LBL - 12hrs Batt' . . . .

Member Posts: 82 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

How about a actual Battery that will attain a  "12hrs-Long battery life" during a full charge process, subsequent turn-on of unit,  and of course consistency,        

Vs actual real-time experiences contrary to manufacturer's claim of 12hrs.*,   which also brings to mind disputes regards certain european vehicle manufac' claims !




* ref.;

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  • Member Posts: 284 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Thanks for your input, DC.  I know from my own personal experience that battery life can be a very tricky subject.  There are 3rd party benchmark tools that we run that perform very specific tasks over a strict time period and result in a benchmark measurement of the battery life.  Different benchmarking tools can provide somewhat different results, and of course, the actual user in the real world isn't likely to be running exactly the same functions as the benchmark tool does.  The auto industry covers their butt on gas mileage claims with the old "Your milegae may vary" statement.  The same thing applies to battery life.  Gaming and heavy spreadsheet use won't provide the same time duration as streaming music from Spotify with the screen off, or surfing the web, etc.  Just please know that we DO run real industry benchmarks to establish the stated battery life and we have our independent lab folks confirm the results.  But still...your mileage may vary.  Thanks for raising this interesting topic.

  • Member Posts: 82 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Dear "Idea Manager" ;


    The concern/realtime  facts  are that the Batt' in these units,  do NOT have close to your claimed 12 hr LBL  ---- right at turnon (TO, after a full/even overnight  charge) !! 


    This doesn't even get to the,  ".... user in the real world isn't likely to be running exactly the same functions as the benchmark tool does...." ,     scenario that marketing o tech' support (and yours),  like to 'toss out' to  end users  who are raising concerns about the contradicting real time findings.      


    Most of us understand what yooou're saying,  but when we don't see what ya claim right off the get-go  (aka TO of unit),  we say the unit has a "manufacturer's  defect",  and exercising our 'personal' option,  returnable to the vendor !!


    . . . . . You're welcome  Smiley Wink




  • Member Posts: 284 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    OK DC, if you believe that the battery life out of the box is truly that far below the expected, please contact Tech Support and request service on the device.  Out repair team can have a look and assess the situation.  If the battery is under-performing they will replace it.

  • Member Posts: 82 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    Dear I'M' ;


    " believe that the battery life out of the box is truly that far below the expected.."


    With all due respect -- LOL !


    IF you would take 15 min. out of your presumably  busy sched',   and go-to the attached ref.  thread,  and read (warning more than 130 characters per post)  you will find not  "believe..."   but actuals,   and actions taken,  as of yesterday (mon.) !!


    You're welcome !






    p.s  i just acquired  'unit #3'   this (tues.) a.m. !

  • Member Posts: 1,181 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon

    This thread has been closed since what started as an Idea Suggestion has turned into a technical support issue and commentary.  Further discussions by the original author can be found here:


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