M5-581T Windows 8.1 power on off issues

nickbennetts Member Posts: 1 New User

Installed win 8.1 from the windows store no problems.  All seems well except that if I use restart the unit hangs with restarting logo spinning and just stays there.  If I hit shutdown the screen goes blank and the keyboard stays lit and it hangs.  Only way to shut down completely is hold power button for a couple of seconds. 


Would appreciate any advice.  Thanks


  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Windows 8.1 is not yet a released product and not something that we are able to support. 

    Release date is planned for mid-October 2013.


    Please reload the system from recovery media.

    Reloading your Acer Computer

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